Onboard Call and Check In

Clarify Expectations: The check in call allows Pathfinder and the individuals and teams to clarify the purpose, goals, and expectations of the workshop or retreat. This helps participants and coaches understand what they can gain from the experience and align their expectations accordingly.

Building Rapport: It provides an opportunity to establish a personal connection and rapport with participants. Building a relationship with attendees and vice versa before the event can make everyone feel more comfortable and engaged during the workshop or retreat.

Customisation: You can gather information about participants' needs, preferences, and any special requirements they might have. This enables Pathfinder to tailor the workshop or retreat to better meet their individual needs.

Logistics and Preparation: Pathfinder uses these sessions to communicate logistical details such as venue location, schedule, what to bring, and any necessary preparations. This helps ensure that participants are well-prepared and have a smooth experience.

Addressing Concerns: The Pathfinder check in session provides a platform for participants to ask questions, express concerns, or share any specific issues they might have. This open communication can help alleviate any anxiety or reservations they may have about the event.

Group Cohesion: For retreats in particular, a check-in session can help establish a sense of group cohesion and introduce participants to each other in a controlled environment. This can make the group dynamics during the retreat more positive. Group sessions only applicable on certain styles of retreat and events.

Feedback and Improvement: These sessions can also serve as an opportunity to collect feedback on past workshops or retreats. This input can be invaluable for improving future events and ensuring that Pathfinder is meeting participants' expectations.

Mindful Planning: As a workshop or retreat organiser, these sessions can help Pathfinder better plan and deliver the event. It enables Pathfinder to anticipate potential challenges and address them in advance, making the experience smoother for everyone involved.




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